Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Photo OP???? What the F*CK

Dear Mr. President, your cabinet, congress, sentate, etc..etc..
With people in the U. S. living in the streets, losing homes, unemployment at an alarming rate and not slowing down. You choose to bail out banks, automakers, corporations and kiss CEO's asses. On top of this, Mr. Obamination allows Air Force 1 is used to do a low flyover of NYC and doesn't warn anyone? What the hell were you thinking??? Add to this the USAF estimated the total costs for the flights to be $328, 835.00, including $35,000 in fuel costs for the Boeing VC-25 - a modified 747 - and its two accompanying F-16 fighters!

Way to go Prez!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Reasonable Prescriptions for the Uninsured

My husband is a diabetic and has high blood pressure. Since the loss of our jobs we have no insurance. I found his medications online at for less that when we had insurance. If you don't find your medicines listed, call their toll free number and inquire. They are relatively new and do not have all the meds listed. Additionally, they cannot fill any controlled substances (pain medicines) because they are sent through the U. S. mail.

Friday, April 17, 2009

It is what it is now let's deal with it!

America is in such deep need right now but people are too busy blaming the liberals or the conservatives. Frankly, I'm fed up with who the hell is to blame. Who cares anymore we need action not pontificating and finger pointing! Let's just do something about the mess we are in. People need help and I don't mean corporations, banks or the federal government. I mean we the people! We cannot wait for the federal government to do something because to be honest, they fail the people of this country every single day. The media absolutely sucks. Journalism today is so biased you can't trust it.

There are families living in squallor, elderly sleeping in their cars, babies crying in hunger in our own country. This economy has affected many. My husband and I are included in this mix. We are months away from losing our home. However, while I still have a computer and internet I want to some how get across to anyone who reads this that if we come together as a people we can make a difference. We can't wait for the government to fix us right now we need to fix each other.

The food banks are empty as are many of the church food pantry's. Donating would be a good thing. I think the media needs to focus on what is happening to our people here. There should be listings of where people can go to get help. Since there isn't, if anyone out there reads this and you know of places across the U.S. where local residents can get food, clothing, shelter, any type of assistance please contact me! As I receive information I am going to start posting it by state.

I'm going to start with information I know of for the Phoenix, Arizona area since that is where I live.

My husband is a diabetic. His insurance ended with his job. With research I found an online pharmacy called - we are able to purchase his prescriptions online for a fraction of the cost that local pharmacies charge. If you use this service, call them if you cannot find the medication on their website. They are relatively new and haven't listed all the medications they can provide. As an example, my husband takes norvasc 10 mg for bloodpressure. Frys Pharmacy cost is $9.99 for a 30 day supply, CVS quoted me $99.99 and Healthwarehouse is $9.50 for a 90 day supply! That alone boggled my mind and quite frankly pissed me off!

So from here on I will be blogging information and sometimes bitching about companies that are greedy S.O.B.'s - for as long as I can.

Let's come together We The People because corporate America, Banks and government will only disappoint you. Let's educate each other on how we can help each other through these trying times. Knowledge is power. We should be ashamed that there are people living in shanty towns who a year and a half ago were living in suburbia and working every day.

I have read comments online from people blaming our homeless for over extending themselves or not be responsible with their money. How sad is that? Why are we sitting in judgement of any person? None of that matters at this point!

Here are some video's on YouTube - can you honestly say this is what these people deserve? In one of the video's below it shows St. Petersburg, Florida police destroy a shanty town of homeless people...guess that city didn't want the eyesore.

We have to do something now!

Here are some links for the Phoenix area:

If you know someone who is homeless this is where to start. I know many of the places are over capacity.

I will post information as I receive it. I will not post anything that I cannot verify. A few leads I have received regarding food baskets has not panned out. I've never gotten a response from them.

Please contact me if you know of places or people who want to help.